Date, Time, When & How to Watch Sturgeon Moon

Supermoon August 2023

Supermoon August 2023. Photo: PTI

August 2023 will be momentous for people who love the moon sighting. On August 1, 2023, the first blue moon of August, also known as the sturgeon moon will be visible. NASA has said that the blue moon will be visible 30 minutes after sunset. After a few days of meteor showers, a stunning sturgeon moon will show up on Tuesday and the supermoon will show up somewhat bigger and brighter than a common full moon.

Grain moon, corn moon, lynx moon, and lightning moon are all other names for the sturgeon moon. The sturgeon moon and the elusive blue moon, which occur at the beginning and end of the month, respectively, will make August a memorable month.

In India, the sturgeon moon will be visible subject to the weather conditions at around 12 AM, at midnight IST on August 1. Using binoculars or backyard telescopes to observe a supermoon is the most effective and secure method.

Supermoon August 2023: Date and Time

July saw the Buck Moon, the first supermoon of the year. September will see the release of Harvest Moon. The last two full supermoons were seen overhead in August 2018 and the phenomenon won’t happen again until 2037. When the full moon’s orbit is at its closest to Earth, or perigee, there is a supermoon. The moon will be just 357,530 kilometres away from earth and the sky gazers will get to observe an incredible cosmic sight.

On August 1, when it rises above the southeast horizon following sunset, the supermoon will appear. It will reach its peak at 12:02 a.m. IST (12:32 pm ET in India). The sturgeon moon and blue moon uncover numerous exceptional features of the moon, such as lunar maria and the dark plains framed by old volcanic lava flows as well as rays from lunar craters.

First Published: Aug 01 2023 | 8:11 PM IST

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