Column: Hubris, thy name is Gavin

SACRAMENTO —  Gov. Gavin Newsom should have learned this four years ago: You don’t try to sell voters on more government spending in a primary election. Particularly Sacramento spending. Newsom’s Proposition 1— a proposal to pump more money into treating homeless people who are mentally ill, drug addicted or alcoholics — may finally pass after vote… Continue reading Column: Hubris, thy name is Gavin

Column: A half-century after failing to reform mental health care, California tries again

SACRAMENTO —  There’s a bipartisan attempt in the state Legislature to finally finish the mental health reform that Gov. Ronald Reagan and lawmakers began 56 years ago. They botched the job back then. Their failure is a major reason why so many homeless people are living on California streets today. The 1967 reform was a splendid… Continue reading Column: A half-century after failing to reform mental health care, California tries again

Column: Smartphones and social media hurt teens. What choice do parents have?

We can’t keep ignoring social media’s harmful effects on the mental health of young people. Across the world, regardless of skin color or language, people are suffering from mental health problems that are linked to the age at which they got their first smartphone or tablet, according to a new report from Sapien Labs. The… Continue reading Column: Smartphones and social media hurt teens. What choice do parents have?