Supreme Court rebuffs gay ‘conversion therapy’ case

WASHINGTON —  A divided Supreme Court on Monday turned down a Christian group’s free-speech challenge to the laws in California and 21 other states that forbid licensed counselors from using “conversion therapy” with children and teenagers. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. filed dissents, and Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh said he also voted to… Continue reading Supreme Court rebuffs gay ‘conversion therapy’ case

Opinion: Lifting the stigma against gay men brings new blood donors to the Red Cross

The American Red Cross had a blood drive at Malibu City Hall the other day. In a first-floor community room, donors lay on gurneys, plastic tubes snaking from their arms, tended by nurses. Afterward, they snacked on mini-Oreos and sipped from tiny juice boxes. It all seemed very routine. But this was a totally new… Continue reading Opinion: Lifting the stigma against gay men brings new blood donors to the Red Cross