Election officer shuts Twenty20 pharma shop in Kerala for MCC violation | Lok Sabha Elections News

The officer directed authorities to shut down the medical store in Bhakshya Suraksha market, which started functioning on March 21. The District Election Officer (DEO) here on Monday directed the Twenty20 Association, linked with the Twenty20 political party run by business group Kitex, to shut down a recently opened medical shop offering substantial discounts,… Continue reading Election officer shuts Twenty20 pharma shop in Kerala for MCC violation | Lok Sabha Elections News

This South Bay plant shop is a wellness retreat for the weary

On a Sunday afternoon, inside a whimsical Redondo Beach plant shop, eight women and I sat at a workshop table, smiling and laughing as we played with dirt. With bird chirping sounds and mediation music humming in the background, we closed our eyes and dug our hands into containers filled with soil, noticing the coolness… Continue reading This South Bay plant shop is a wellness retreat for the weary