AI powered tool GPT-3 found to reason as good as undergraduate students

GPT-3, the popular AI-powered tool, was found to reason as well as college undergraduate students, scientists have found. The artificial intelligence large language model (LLM) was asked to solve reasoning problems that were typical of intelligence tests and standardised tests such as the SAT, used by colleges and universities in the US and… Continue reading AI powered tool GPT-3 found to reason as good as undergraduate students

Google Ads introduces auto-generated advertisement tool using generative AI

Advertisers and businesses will now be able to auto-generate advertisements on Google Ads platform, said Dan Taylor, vice president of global ads at Google. Using Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), Google Ads will be able to create campaign workflows based on business prompts given by marketers. “It… Continue reading Google Ads introduces auto-generated advertisement tool using generative AI